by Brad Friedman | Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing is a natural fit for small business. Inbound marketing is actually modeled after the way small businesses always thrived, by giving customers a go-to place to solve their problems. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing is a marketing tactic small business owners can use to grow revenues. Early on, small businesses owners relied on friendship and club meetings to get to know people in the community and to get people to know them, what they were expert at, and what products or services they provided. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice
Thanksgiving is around the corner and with it comes the busiest retail selling day of the year; Black Friday. Big businesses are quickly throwing out all their Black Friday ads in the hopes of snagging the majority of the sales for the Christmas season.
It's difficult for small businesses to compete with this level of competition on Black Friday, so a second day has been set aside for them instead; Small Business Saturday, which is November 28th this year. This day is specially designed to support local small businesses, which have been instrumental in building the economy of the United States. (more…)