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What Do You Think About The New LinkedIn?

What Do You Think About The New LinkedIn?

What do you think about the new LinkedIn? If you're active on social media, it's important to keep up with the latest news and changes on the various platforms. In January, LinkedIn altered its layout for desktops. The changes are rolling out gradually and will soon apply to all accounts. If you haven't yet noticed a difference, you soon will. I've been waiting to write about this until the changes sunk in. Good thing I did. Some of the changes didn't go over well with LinkedIn members and were dialed back. Let's take a look at the new features some have currently and everyone will have soon. (more…)

Grow Your Email List With Facebook

Grow Your Email List With Facebook

With close to 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is perhaps the best social platform to execute your social media marketing goals. Do some research and determine if your target audience actively uses Facebook first. Whether you desire to connect with customers, share your expertise, improve engagement, gain new leads, or close sales, Facebook marketing can help you meet your small business goals and build a strong presence online. (more…)

5 Valuable Types Of Online Videos To Add To Your Digital Marketing Strategy

5 Valuable Types Of Online Videos To Add To Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Video is unquestionably an important ingredient to your digital marketing strategy.  In fact, 2016 was declared “The Year of Video Marketing” as businesses and marketers sought to use creative ways to leverage videos to reach target audiences…especially in their social media marketing. 2017 is guaranteed to take this trend another notch higher on the scale of important digital marketing tactics. With social videos generating a whopping 1200% more shares than text and images combined, having a working video strategy is imperative to the overall growth and visibility of your brand.  (more…)

3 Easy Twitter Tips For Your Social Media Marketing

3 Easy Twitter Tips For Your Social Media Marketing

Twitter tips come from a variety of sources. We are often asked to share best practices with our clients and others. Twitter can be one of your most reliable tools in social media marketing. It especially becomes effective when you coordinate your Twitter activity with your business blog. This happens when you streamline your process of creating content for Twitter (which is often the hardest part) and maximizing the value and impact of the content you've already created. It's all about developing a wrokflow that works for you. (more…)

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