Ep 030: Ask Me Anything (Digital Marketing Related)
Ep 030: Ask Me Anything (Digital Marketing Related)
Ask Me Anything (Digital Marketing Related)
The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC
Generally, your marketing campaign goals include trying reach as many individuals as possible and lure them into your sales funnel. Most of the time, this kind of strategy also requires getting out there to talk to people, giving out brochures, cold-calling, sending email and hosting big events.
While there is nothing wrong with this kind of marketing for bigger brands, it is not the only option a business owner like can utilize. In particular, inbound marketing is the type of marketing that results in clients reaching out to you instead of you to them. The key is to be able to provide value to them first, enough to have them trust you and contact you to engage, interact, do business with, and build a lasting relationship.
Today’s Digital Slice Podcast is an “Ask Me Anything” episode that focuses on questions about Inbound Marketing and email marketing as queried by connections, prospects, and other individuals seeking advice about digital marketing. Here is a quick but value-laden episode to learn from.
In this Episode:
- Inbound marketing to the core as defined by HubSpot
- How inbound marketing helps bring in warm leads to your funnel
- How to use inbound marketing to grow any kind of business
- How to create content that matches what your buyer personas consider
- How consistency in your content promotes top of mind awareness
- How email is still a very useful and beneficial marketing tool
- How to convince company leaders to use inbound marketing strategies
- How education and real-life case studies can help convince decision-makers go for inbound marketing
Quotes From this Episode:
“Inbound marketing does not interrupt people while they are online like ads do. It’s the value of your content that attracts people.” - Brad Friedman
“Create buyer personas for real people that you wanna connect with.” - Brad Friedman
“Having developed these personas makes it easier for you to create a content calendar and focus your content on a special persona every time you put something out there.” - Brad Friedman
“Keeping top of mind awareness is critical to your success.” - Brad Friedman
“Email is still the number one way to communicate in a B2B business to business setting.” - Brad Friedman
“There’s always some education needed before jumping into any kind of marketing.” - Brad Friedman
Brad Friedman
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefriedmangroup
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/friedmansocialmedia
Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com
“Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
“The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
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