by Brad Friedman | Social Media
I've been testing Placetag, an iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad app introduced about six months ago on the iTunes App Store. At first, I must admit, I thought this was just another location-based social networking app like foursquare or Gowalla. It's not. And I'm looking forward to the Android version, due out before the end of the year. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media

Image from
The sun is starting to rise later and set earlier. School Zone lights are flashing first thing in the morning and mid-afternoon. Kids must be back in school and spending more time than ever online. Today's students are required to send personal information over the Internet in order to use academic online tools. Today's students are also incredibly active social network users. With all that in mind, some thoughts about privacy are in order. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
In March of this year, social email provider (pronounced ‘harmony') commissioned a survey of 515 IT users working the U.S. and global companies. The purpose of the survey was to better understand the impact that electronic distractions have on the workplace and the findings were incredible, yet somewhat not unexpected. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
In August, Twitter, the four-year-old micro-blogging service flew past MySpace in unique visitors to become the No. 3 social networking service in the world, according to new data from comScore Inc. Twitter recorded almost 96 million unique visitors in August, up 76% from August 2009, comScore said. During the same period of time, MySpace dropped 17% during the same period, to 95 million unique visitors in August. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media |
Take four minutes out of your day to have a look at this video describing the power of social media. This is why we formed The Friedman Group, but more importantly, it's why we need to stop thinking social media is a fad. It's time we took social media seriously. It's time we took advantage of all it has to offer, while recognizing there are things we need to be aware of, like guarding our privacy. Watch the video, then leave a comment letting me know your initial reaction to what you saw. (more…)