The Friedman Group, LLC Named ‘Small Business Drives Colorado’ Honoree
Every once in awhile we've got to give ourselves a plug. Here's a copy of a press release that will be published Tuesday the 26th. (more…)
Every once in awhile we've got to give ourselves a plug. Here's a copy of a press release that will be published Tuesday the 26th. (more…)
At its core, social media is about being social. It is about back-and-forth interaction. It is about engagement. Businesses that have successful social strategies understand this. They also understand their customers have certain expectations. They expect to interact with the brands they like. They expect to engage with the brand when they have a question or require customer service. They expect their favorite brands to be sharing great content. So, who's making all this happen? The Social Media Manager, of course. (more…)
Social media has grown from a curiosity to an integral piece of corporate strategy in the space of only a few years. Nearly overnight, companies have brought on whole teams of specialists to craft effective social media strategies and manage multiplying numbers of social media accounts. Companies are hungry for better social media tools to engage their constituents. Below is a list of five features key to delivering on a social media strategy. (more…)
This Guest Post is written by Dino Dogan, the founder of Triberr, a Top Secret Social Network he's about to tell you about.
I've been suspecting it for a while, but only mentioned it in confidence. But now I know…top players in the blogosphere are keeping Triberr a secret.
Hehe…get it? “Top” secret? Get it? oh, nevermind…moving on… :-p
Of course, I'm biased, but I dare you…I double-dog dare you to find a platform that came out in the last year that has done more to help bloggers? (more…)
Social media is everywhere. As hard as many of you are trying to deny it, social media is here to stay. It has changed the way we do business. It has changed the way we market our business. It has changed the way we communicate with each other. We can debate whether this is good or bad if you want, but the fact remains that social media isn't going away. Those of you who are still in denial, you know who you are and there are far too many of you, would be far better served by acknowledging reality and getting on board the train to your future success. (more…)