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What’s Up With Google+?

Google+,Hangouts,Photos,StreamsHave you been wondering what’s been going on with Google+?

Toward the end of April word leaked that Google+ would no longer be considered a product. Instead it would be a platform – ending its so-called competition with other social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Change is in the air. And, one thing we know for sure is that Google shelved its policy of requiring Google+ integration for all Google products. Yet, Google plus has always been about making every Google user a signed-in Google user. I’m thinking this will never change. (more…)

Top Secret Social Network No One Talks About

This Guest Post is written by Dino Dogan, the founder of Triberr, a Top Secret Social Network he's about to tell you about.

I've been suspecting it for a while, but only mentioned it in confidence. But now I know…top players in the blogosphere are keeping Triberr a secret.

Hehe…get it? “Top” secret? Get it? oh, nevermind…moving on… :-p

Of course, I'm biased, but I dare you…I double-dog dare you to find a platform that came out in the last year that has done more to help bloggers? (more…)

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