Ep 080: Using The Power Of Story To Connect With Your Audience
Ep 080: Using The Power Of Story To Connect With Your Audience
Using The Power Of Story To Connect With Your Audience
The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC
Brad Friedman and Park Howell chat about the power of story to help leaders do a better job of connecting as quickly as possible with their audiences.
Business storytelling is growing in popularity because leaders know it works. But it’s not working for everyone because they don’t know the narrative frameworks to follow. They try the multi-step process of The Hero’s Journey or the Pixar Way, but that’s where they get lost.
That’s why Park starts all of his executive mentees off with the ABT (And, But, Therefore) agile narrative framework where all influential and persuasive storytelling starts. Then, he graduates his clients up to the Five Primal Elements of a Short Story for Big Impact followed by his 10-step Story Cycle System™. One client deemed Park “The World’s Most Industrious Storyteller” because of his proven system that has grown brands by as much as 600 percent.
Park is a 35+ year veteran of the brand marketing game, ran his own agency, Park&Co, for 20 years, and began teaching leadership storytelling 15 years ago. He hosts the popular Business of Story podcast, which Feedspot named the #1 business storytelling podcast for 2022. The seven-year-old show is ranked among the top 10% of downloaded podcasts in the world.
A story is only as good as the villain is evil. That’s why Park helps his customers overcome boring messages by entertaining-to-educate, and that’s how he helps leaders excel through the stories they tell.
In this Episode:
- Park talks about the power of storytelling for executive.
- Park talks about why storytelling is more important now than ever.
- Park talks about his “And, But, Therefore, Framework” and how you can use it to get someone's attention.
- Park talks about the need to boil down your story, so you can tell it in less than 60 seconds .
- Park also talks about diggin deep to find those moments in our lives that will make all the difference in our storytelling.
Quotes from this Episode:
“The first thing is to flip it from you to your audience. What's in it for them?” – Park Howell
“Very few communicators take the time to truly understand their audience. What is it they want in relation to what you have to offer, and why is that important to them?” – Park Howell
“They don't actually care about you. They don't care about your company. They don't care about your product or service. They care about what you make happen in their life.” – Park Howell
“Oh gosh. You can use the ABT anywhere and everywhere when you have to get someone's attention.” – Park Howell
“Find out those little moments in time that will make all the difference for them. And then you use that to start crafting the story.” – Park Howell
“I want you to now move from the general world into the specific world because the power of storytelling rests in the specifics.” - Park Howell
“As you are becoming a more confident and compelling storyteller, remember that the most potent story you'll ever tell is the story you tell yourself. So make sure that it's an epic one” - Park Howell
Park Howell:
LinkedIn: Park Howell
Facebook: Business of Story
Twitter: Park Howell
Instagram: Park Howell
Website: Business of Story
And, here's the special discount link! Save 30% on The ABTs Of Agile Communication course right here
And, here's the link to my calendar for the two slots I have open to give you a sample coaching session: Coaching Session With Brad
Brad Friedman
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefriedmangroup
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/friedmansocialmedia
Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com
“Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
“The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
“100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions,” by Ross Brand with a chapter by Brad Friedman
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RODE Videomic Shotgun Microphone https://amzn.to/3cZp2fD
Logitech C920 Webcam http://amzn.to/2hNhiQk
Roland R-05 Digital Recorder http://amzn.to/2zZ2vN4
Neewer 6×9 foot Green Screen https://amzn.to/35G4K6u
Elgato Key Light https://amzn.to/3ial9Fg
LED Lighting Kit https://amzn.to/35GBPiW
Desk Mounting Stand https://amzn.to/3qanNxM
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