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Welcome To The 2012 Summer Social Media Olympics

The 2012 Summer Olympics are well under way. Today's social community is not what it was during the last Summer Olympics in Beijing. With the ability to instantly tweet the result of a race (Michael Phelps was trashed on Twitter after coming in fourth in his first race), NBC has already found it challenging to air “Breaking News!” If you're interested in following the Olympics via social media and the Internet, here are a few suggestions: (more…)

Cloud Storage Options Are Many

Most of my clients are talking about cloud storage and the various services being offered “in the cloud.” Financial services providers, for example, are wondering where they are going to store all the social media and other data FINRA regulations require them to store. Law firms, accounting firms and small businesses are wondering if they need to be spending money on hardware and software or on storage and other cloud services. Firms are establishing specialties in providing virtual business solutions for their clients. Cloud storage/services is a topic that is becoming more and more important and we are helping you analyze your options. (more…)

4 Alternatives to WordPress

A couple weeks ago I wrote a post about the differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org. Today I read this post about 4 alternatives to WordPress and thought I'd share this information with you too. There's lots of possibilities out there. Find the one that fits you and your needs and go with it. The real message here is that you need to have a blog associated with your company, firm or business. GET TO IT!

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