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How LinkedIn Works – INFOGRAPHIC

Now that you've filed your tax returns it's time to get back to generating revenue so you have even more taxes to pay next year! One of the best ways to do this is by plugging into the power of LinkedIn. Much of our time is spent polishing images on LinkedIn, building search engine optimized profiles and training our clients to use this powerful business tool. We stumbled onto this infographic and thought it was a great way to help explain to you how LinkedIn works and how many people are using it. (more…)

Are You Using LinkedIn Marketing Tools?

Photo: technmarketing.com

Like nearly every other social network, LinkedIn offers users the ability to market their products or services. It provides a variety of tools and some of them are free. It may be worth it though to budget for one or more of LinkedIn's marketing solutions. The LinkedIn marketing team is also available to help you take advantage of your ability to really target your audience with your marketing message. Try one or all of these available tools. (more…)

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