by Brad Friedman | Social Media

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /
One of the reasons social media is so popular with researchers is it provides an opportunity to listen in on conversations, AKA social listening. You should be doing the same with your customers through your website, Facebook page, Twitter feed, and other sites you regularly use. You’d be surprised at how much you can learn by just tying in a hashtag (#) on Twitter and Facebook.
But first, you need to know what to talk about.
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
This is a Guest Post by Lauren Mobertz, Lead Writer in training for DashBurst. Thanks to @DanielZeevi for sharing this news about TweetDeck with us.
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice, Social Media
Though face-to-face networking remains crucial to the success of your business, taking advantage on online tools can be a great supplement to all your other efforts to find prospects. Personally, I'm not always comfortable at networking events. Trolling for customers online is very comfortable and often leads to the identification of a prospect followed by a live meeting for coffee. Using Twitter to identify prospect, see how they behave online, and then engage with them, can be an incredibly efficient use of your networking time. (more…)