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Tips To Protect Your Information On Social Media

Social Media IconsThis week’s Guest Post is written by Cassie Phillips. Cassie likes being on the inside, learning about what is happening next in the technology and online security world.

The Friedman Group knows social media, and it is an honor to be able to share information with their readers about some of the dangers of social media and how to mitigate those dangers. Their website is composed of true professionals giving the best information on the subject, regardless of the scale of your endeavors. For example, this article about the B2B side of the social media marketing equation is a fresh look for businesses. (more…)

When To Post On Twitter

When to Post on TwitterWhen to post on Twitter once you have marketing content ready has no real definitive science since it all depends on what you're selling and who you're selling to. One thing we can say about Twitter, though, is it's a major metropolis from what it was just five years ago. You can reach more people there instantly (including notable people) than arguably Facebook or any other social media platform. (more…)

Social Media Marketing For Small Business: Ways To Establish Trust And Credibility

social media marketing, social media, twitterSocial media marketing for small business is more important today than ever before. There isn't anything customers look for more in a business than trust, credibility, and the ultimate in transparency. Small businesses, however, may think this approach matters more for major corporations where consumers have automatic suspicion about what goes on behind the scenes. If you're a small business owner, you can't assume consumers will place immediate trust in you just because you're an independent business and they can often see and touch the owner. (more…)

Will Customer Reviews Help or Hurt My Business?

Customer Reviews, Yelp, Google, Bing, YahooPeople often ask me, “Will customer reviews help or hurt my business?” Several months ago, I advised readers not to panic over customer reviews and to claim their accounts on Google Local, Yelp, and other sites that list businesses and accept reviews. Since then, I’ve come across a mix of opinions regarding customer reviews, and I still think that good, honest businesses benefit from reviews, even if they aren’t always full of praise. (more…)

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