Use Social Media for Mother’s Day Greetings At Your Own Risk!
Mother's Day is this Sunday. You've been warned. (more…)
Mother's Day is this Sunday. You've been warned. (more…)
It’s no longer a shock to see lawyers, or any other professionals, advertising online. According to LexisNexis, 76% of people search online to find an attorney. Furthermore, 60% of adult internet users will need an attorney at some point in their lives. Advertising your legal services is not only acceptable, it’s the new norm. With this in mind, lawyers need to keep in mind the internet is fluid and permanent at the same time. (more…)
Ever since its birth in 2011, many people just plain hate Google+ or view it with outright disgust. Seen as the search giant’s attempt to muscle into the social media market, many felt that Google+ was unpolished, redundant, and obscure. But, in just a few short years, Google+ has become an important part of the social media landscape and plays an increasingly vital role in search engine optimization and social media marketing. So, while many people may hate Google+, it is time for you to learn to love it! (more…)
2013 is the year social media embraced small talk to a new level. Successful ventures in 2013 featured quick viewing time, making it necessary to get to the point as soon as possible. These capabilities won widespread adoption by teenagers, whose activities tend to predict the next big thing in advertising and from there, the larger marketing world. (more…)
The Code of Professional Responsibility, Rule 1.1 Competence provides, “A lawyer shall provide competent representation to a client. Competent representation requires the legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness and preparation reasonably necessary for the representation.” (more…)