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Using Social Media To Engage In March Madness

More than ever before, social media has made it incredibly easy to engage in March Madness. The NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament started yesterday with the play-in games. And with that, March Madness is officially underway. I love this time of year and to recognize our friends we've rolled out a prize giveaway. Ours is just one of many ways businesses are celebrating College Basketball and the excitement of March Madness. (more…)

It’s Not About Your Lunch! Best Practices For A Solid Social Media Strategy

sandwichSocial media has grown from a curiosity to an integral piece of corporate strategy in the space of only a few years. Nearly overnight, business owners have brought on whole teams of specialists to craft effective social media strategies and manage multiplying numbers of social media accounts. The truth is that you can build an efficient and valuable social media strategy by following a few Best Practices. (more…)

The Library Of Congress Archives Your Tweets

Library of CongressIn 2010, the Library of Congress used its Facebook page to announce it was acquiring the entire Twitter archive - all public tweets - back to March 2006. And it has been archiving public tweets ever since. Think about that. In the few minutes it will take you to read this, over three million new tweets will have flooded the Internet and been added to what Twitter estimates is some 400 million new tweets sent every day. (more…)

This Is Your Brain On Social Media

Social media is everywhere. As hard as many of you are trying to deny it, social media is here to stay. It has changed the way we do business. It has changed the way we market our business. It has changed the way we communicate with each other. We can debate whether this is good or bad if you want, but the fact remains that social media isn't going away. Those of you who are still in denial, you know who you are and there are far too many of you, would be far better served by acknowledging reality and getting on board the train to your future success. (more…)

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