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Ep 048: 10X Your ROI in 7-Steps

Ep 048: 10X Your ROI in 7-Steps

10X Your ROI in 7-Steps

The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC

Busy entrepreneurs don’t need to hear about a hundred steps to marketing success! What entrepreneurs and small business owners need are baseline reviews and a deep understanding of their customers and competitors.

Jason Weaver is an author, digital growth marketer, and a Managing Partner at Local Web Marketing System.

In this Episode:

  • Jason’s entrepreneurial journey from writing a book to building his own business
  • A how-to digital marketing plan via Jason’s book, “FIX Marketer: The 7-Step Plan to 10X Marketing R.O.I. For Local Businesses”
  • What it really takes to get your business started
  • How to establish processes and systems to increase your productivity as an entrepreneur

Quotes from this Episode:
“If you have a 7-step plan or strategy and 5 of those 7 things work and you can see that they’re making you money, you can keep improving and you can cut out all the stuff that doesn’t work and double down on what’s working” - Jason Weaver
“You have to ask every customer for feedback, and you have to reply to every review.” - Jason Weaver
“If you understand your customers and you understand your competitors then you can start to see the mindset of the customer in the landscape they’re going through.” - Jason Weaver
“Even if nobody from your industry is doing good ads, you can go look at these guys that are doing good ads and do it yourself.” - Jason Weaver


Jason Weaver
Website: Local Web Marketing System
Website: FIX Marketer
Facebook: Jason Weaver
Facebook: Local Web Marketing
Facebook: FIX Marketer
LinkedIn: Jason Weaver
Twitter: Jason Weaver
Book: FIX Marketer: The 7-Step Plan to 10X Marketing R.O.I. For Local Businesses
FIX Marketer

Brad Friedman




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Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com

Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman

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