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The Small Business Guide to How to Get More Leads

The Small Business Guide to How to Get More Leads

This week’s Guest Post was written by Emily Stone a writer with many years of experience in writing about online marketing insights and web designing. Emily currently works for Web123, a web design company in Melbourne.

The most successful businesses know how to get leads to bolster their business and maintain a high level of profitability. Leads can help your business grow, but you have to know how to generate a high volume of leads to succeed. Your website should act as an essential business tool that generates leads for your business 24 hours a day.

Become A Conversion Rate Expert

If you're not designing your website to convert traffic into leads, you're not getting all you can out of your site. While an appealing website is important, it's one of the most elementary steps you can take to bringing in traffic. You also need to have a complete conversion audit completed on your website. This may mean hiring someone to complete an audit and identify any problems with your site. It's important to analyze your website and correct any issues prior to launching your marketing campaigns. This can drastically reduce the amount you spend on advertising fees, and it can optimize your ability to convert views into leads.

Set Up Call Tracking

Analytics on your website is great, but you can also use call tracking to get real information about your customers. Run experiments using dedicated landing pages with different phone numbers on each page. When a lead calls your company, you'll be able to track the number of calls to determine the landing pages that provide the best conversions. You can then use these pages to bolster your marketing campaigns and improve your ability to bring customers to your company. This also works for radio, television and other advertising methods. Use a different number for each medium, so you can optimize your marketing campaigns and get leads fast.

Analyze Visitor Actions

Heatmap tools on your website can show you where your customers eyes are going when they visit your website. Part of getting leads is knowing how your customers are interacting with your website. Using a heatmap tool, you can find out where your customers are clicking. This can help you optimize the most active parts of your page so you can put your most important marketing information in the “hottest” spots on the page. It also allows you to test multiple call-to-action locations so you can identify the ones that are drawing your customers attention. This is how to get more leads on your website by learning what your customers are interested in.

Use Live Chat Features

After discovering the “hottest” spots on your website, install a live chat feature on your website in an active area. Sometimes, you just need a little extra push to get your customers to give your company a call. Live chat can help your potential leads get answers to any questions they might have, and it has shown to be an effective method for getting leads. If you're asking yourself how to get leads for my business, then you need to seriously consider adding a live chat option. Live chat can help clarify information on the website, direct potential leads in the right direction or facilitate a scheduled call. It's low cost and effective, and a single employee could monitor the live chat while conducting other business.

Don't underestimate the importance of small business web design for getting leads to your company. The setup of your website matters, and you should include testimonials and other trust signals to indicate to your prospective customers that your business is legit. Potential leads are skeptical of any site they haven't heard of before, so make the decision to provide an outstanding experience and plenty of reasons to trust your company.

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