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For Time-Sensitive Projects, Mobile Ads Can Pay Off

Mobile Ads, Mobile Ad, Mobile Advertising, Mobile Devices, CPAs, Real Estate, LawtyersMany CPAs advertise using traditional methods such as community newsletters and perhaps a coupon mailer. Local radio shows are good venues; particularly drive-time shows that can boast loyal listeners but can also get quite expensive. Networking is another method. There are local and state business events where CPAs are a natural draw. Other opportunities are participating and joining on as a sponsor for charity sponsorships and supporting local sports teams. I’m going to throw another one at you that I bet you haven’t considered: mobile ads.

Mobile Ads Are The Fastest-Growing Area In Advertising

Ads sent to smartphones may sound kind of invasive, but since they require permission to be sent, people like them. They are also the fastest-growing advertising segment; according to information from Business Insider, mobile ads are growing at a “blistering” 50% each year. Consumers permit mobile ads because they might receive a coupon or a heads-up on a sale before it’s open to the general public. The ads are relevant, and relevance is what drives smart marketing.

You might even be getting a few ads yourself; perhaps from a restaurant you like that’s offering a special or a reminder from the golf shop that Calloways are on sale.

Mobile ads can be switched off to be read later without getting lost in paperwork or mail. They don’t have volume issues like TV ads or get cut off by static or reception interference like radio ads. They remain on the phone until the owner proactively clears them out.

Why not combine reminders your clients need, like making an appointment to file quarterly taxes as a way to tie in an appropriate marketing approach? Mobile ads can be partnered with emails—just another venue. If clients gave you the okay to email them, chances are they will be okay with your (email) request to “send them important reminders and tax-related information throughout the year.”

And how cool would it be to be the first CPA in town to go mobile?

Mobile Ads Are Different From Other Pitches

Mobile ads have less space than ads that go to desktops or laptops, so they must convey only brief messages that should be easy to read and scroll.

Here’s a great example of a mobile ad for real estate professionals. Now imagine an ad that displays a monthly calendar marking the end of a quarter, sorted and sent to clients who use the same fiscal year. You mini-ad with contact information is at the top of the page, with links to let clients call your office or email you.

If you’re a really hip CPA, you might already have a mobile site they can connect to online. Or you can get an app for your business. Consumer surveys indicate that many prefer using apps to mobile sites. Your app could be used to schedule an appointment, browse through a business news feed, or send a question. Keep in mind that apps are becoming quite popular among lawyers as well and if anyone vets new ideas to death, it’s the lawyers.

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