Have you ever spent hours working on a blog post you thought millions of readers would love? Were you disappointed when it didn't get the millions of views, Likes, positive comments and shares you were sure it was going to get? We’ve all been there: A great idea for a new blog post hits us. We strap ourselves in to write. Several hours later, we publish our finished masterpiece and wait for the rush of congratulations we’re certain will come pouring in.
Instead, nothing happens.
We hit refresh.
Still nothing.
Several hours later, our post gets just one Like.
What went wrong?
You forgot to use the most powerful tool to boost content available to creators and marketers today - social media.
Whether you’re a newbie or expert, social media can greatly improve your content’s reach and effectiveness.
Why Just Publishing Doesn’t Cut It Anymore
Not only are there billions of people currently online, but more and more people are getting connected at an astonishing rate every day. If you imagine the internet were a marketplace, it would be the biggest in history. Where scores of marketers practically fight one another for customer's attention. Publishing online now would be like sending a message in a bottle out to sea. You would just have to sit back and hope it reaches its destination.
You wouldn’t be in the clear yet if your message manages to reach your intended audience. It’s much harder now to hold the reader's attention. Many believe that most of us have shorter attention spans than goldfish. There’s no guaranteeing readers would read your blog post unless every sentence was made to be as interesting as possible.
Social Media Can Significantly Improve Your Content’s Performance
Not everybody can write like Stephen King. So, what can you do to give your content the best chance for success? Use social media to amplify your content.
Social media networks are more than just sites to get news, stay connected with friends, meet new people and get the lowdown on the best places to hangout, have a vacation or shop. They are also online communities. Especially if you've already taken the time to cultivate your own online community. Almost everyone uses social media every day. So you ought to regularly post engaging and useful content on the social media sites the people you want to engage, use the most. You’ll be able to build relationships with them, giving yourself a great chance to turn them into loyal customers and maybe even fans and advocates.
Check out our social media amplification checklist to learn 5 steps you need to take to use these powerful content-boosting tools to your advantage. Then, contact us to help you develop your own social media marketing strategy to take advantage of these tips.