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The Digital Slice Podcast Ep 007

You Have The Potential To Become Better Than The Best

If someone told you, you still have the potential to become better than the best, would you work toward reaching that potential? What if that someone who told you isn’t just anybody but Mark Sanborn himself, internationally renowned business and leadership speaker and New York Times best-selling author?

Mark believes in the limitless power of an individual or an organization to achieve a higher level of success than where they're at today. It is just a matter of knowing which area you want to improve on and how you can bring about that positive change.

The Calling

The Digital Slice Podcast Ep 007If you are one of of those who is haunted by thoughts or feelings of wanting to do better, then this book is written especially for you. The Potential Principle by Mark Sanborn is for those who may or may not have achieved something remarkable already.

It's for those who have the desire to do tings differently, to improve, or make changes for the better. No question it's a good thing to be happy with what you currently have, but it is even better to continually strive for greatness, for a higher purpose, a deeper meaning, and a YOU that you re-create for your best self ever.

The Podcast

The Digital Slice Podcast is an opportunity for you to hear Mark Sanborn himself talk about his latest book and more. Mark talks about how to specifically plan to finally make that much-needed change and improvement as an individual or as a business organization. He also discusses in depth the Potential Matrix composed of 4 areas where huge improvements can take place. There are techniques to use to make this all happen and they are thoroughly discussed in the book and by MArk in this podcast.

The Aftermath

After you hear the podcast, you will realize how the time to make change is now - that is if you are really committed to be better than you were yesterday. The journey is not going to be easy, like any other change or improvement you want to achieve, but it will all be worth it. You do have a lot of potential and you can still achieve the highest levels possible. You can let The Potential Principle guide you to become authentic as a person so your real passions can likewise be revealed and you can work toward living a more successful and fulfilling life with each potential you perfect.

Check out this week's podcast with Mark Sanborn. And, after you listen, be sure to leave your written review. Enjoy!
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