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What You Can Learn About Social Media Marketing From Individual Accounts

What You Can Learn About Social Media Marketing From Individual Accounts

Social media marketing is a must for any business wanting to be in business 5 years from now. A bold statement?
I think not. There are advantages and disadvantages attached to the rise of social media. Given that you can find out everything your friends are doing by going on the internet, you may not see the need to actually interact with them socially. But if you treat social media as just one more way to keep in touch with friends rather than a replacement for social intercourse, it becomes very advantageous. (more…)

4 Social Media Marketing Pitfalls That Can Kill Your Marketing Campaign

4 Social Media Marketing Pitfalls That Can Kill Your Marketing Campaign

Social media is a modern-day reality. It's how huge swaths of the population keep in touch with each other, it's how we share news in our lives, and for many people it's a window to the wider world. For companies looking to get their name and products in front of huge audiences, social media marketing is the answer. All it takes is the viral success of one campaign, and that company's visibility will skyrocket. Even without viral success, social media is the new word-of-mouth marketing. (more…)

Inbound Marketing Will Help Drive Memorial Day Revenue

Inbound Marketing Will Help Drive Memorial Day Revenue

Memorial Day is not only a day many Americans are free from work responsibilities to observe the sacrifice our service men and women have given for our freedom. but a day in which businesses provide promotions for their leads and current customers. Memorial Day marks the start of summer, an exciting observance to kickoff barbecues and extended time with family and friends. Consumers are constantly on the look out for Memorial Day sales because businesses use the day of celebration to provide opportunities for themselves, as well as consumers. 


Social Media Marketing: It Takes A Lot of Work To Become An Overnight Success

Social Media Marketing: It Takes A Lot of Work To Become An Overnight Success

Social media marketing takes a lot of work. How many times have you turned on the news and seen an overnight success story? Maybe it's an author who was a total unknown a few weeks ago, but now thanks to a single, viral review they've skyrocketed to the top of the bestseller lists. Or maybe it was the local business that was on the verge of bankruptcy, but thanks to one lucky video that got shared and re-shared across social media, the owners have now paid off their debts, and are in the black for the first time in years. (more…)

3 Social Media Marketing Trends You Need To Know

3 Social Media Marketing Trends You Need To Know

Social media marketing trends are challenging to keep up with. In today's world where news is learned in Twitter and Facebook feeds and people read BuzzFeed more often than newspapers, it's very important to have a strong presence when it comes to social media. You want to be online, available, and relevant. It's important to stay up to date with the ever-changing trends. So to help, we've listed a few of the hottest social media marketing trends. Pay attention if you want to grab your audience's attention and keep it long enough to get your message across. (more…)

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