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The Art Of The Sales Call

The Art Of The Sales Call

I have a confession to make. I am one of those small business owners who spend more time working IN the business than ON the business. I've been in business for 9 years and think this has pretty much always been the case. This is okay when we're really busy with client work and emails are coming in daily from prospects. But that isn't always the case, and when things are slow, it's too late to be working ON the business because results don't happen overnight. (more…)

Why Inbound Marketing Is Perfect For Professional Services Providers

Why Inbound Marketing Is Perfect For Professional Services Providers

In the professional world, there are two types of businesses and each markets in very different ways. Businesses with “Customers” always want more customers. Marketing is a way of life, whole departments are dedicated to it, and they do so with proud gusto.

Then there are businesses and individual professionals with “Clients.” This group includes doctors, lawyers, financial advisors, and other professions that focus on the skills of one or a small team of highly trained professionals. Businesses with clients will tend to have practices instead of shops or venues. Each year, they only take on a manageable number of new clients, and just want clients whose needs truly fit the services these businesses have to offer. And for this kind of business, marketing is often seen as ‘low' or too ‘salesy' for the refined and respectful reputation of your practice. (more…)

The New Reality Of Online Interactions

The New Reality Of Online Interactions

In its brief history, the internet has brought about some truly astounding changes. Not the least of these is the sheer number of people with whom we interact online. Many of our online acquaintances are people we've never even met in person and probably never will. At other times, we may meet someone briefly, perhaps at a business function and exchange contact information. At this point, our interaction becomes entirely virtual, perhaps on a site such as LinkedIn. What are the implications of this new web-based reality and how will it play out in the future? (more…)

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