by Katie Komnenich | Social Media

A look inside MixBit
A look inside MixBit
A couple weeks ago, the cofounders of YouTube, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, released the latest video app, MixBit. MixBit was originally released as an iPhone app that lets you record, edit, share videos. But being that this app was created by two former YouTube gurus, the thing that really makes MixBit bigger and better than Vine and Instagram is the fact that users can edit and share clips from other users to create their own movies. (more…)
by Katie Komnenich | Social Media
Today, in the crazy tech driven world that you and I live in, it’s hard to stop and look around everyone once and a while to think about the fact that only 2.7 billion people have internet access. The rate that people are adopting the internet is growing by less than 9% annually. (more…)
by Katie Komnenich | Social Media
A few short weeks from now I will begin my senior year of college, a terrifying thought for a 21 year old who has no clue what her future will end up looking like. As the days get closer and life all of a sudden seems to get a little more serious, I’ve been thinking to myself about what my plans are years ahead. How am I going to take my education and use it towards making something bigger of myself? Will I venture into the world of Marketing? Advertising? Something completely different? Who knows where I will end up, but I’m excited for the adventure to begin. (more…)
by Katie Komnenich | Social Media |
As someone who just recently started using Google+, I’ve had to toy around with it a little bit to realize what makes it so much bigger and better than the other social media sites out there. At first it seems much too close to Facebook, just as I’ve become more familiar with it I’ve grown to really enjoy using the site. (more…)
by Katie Komnenich | Social Media
As if the world hasn’t already been bombarded with enough advertisements, Facebook is about to feature 15 second video ads that will play directly into your newsfeed. The introduction of these video ads is supposed to take place sometime later this year. (more…)