A Gift That Keeps On Giving For Mother’s Day
This year, Mother's Day is celebrated on Sunday, May 13. The fact that it's a Sunday makes it easier for the entire family to come together and celebrate. But before the celebrations begin, you need to make sure you have a present picked out for your mother and it's one she will appreciate. read more…

Will The Recent Facebook Algorithm Changes Effect Your Digital Marketing Strategy?
WARNING! This is not a post about the Facebook privacy issues currently in the news. Maybe I'll weigh in someday in the future, if I calm down. This post is about recent changes Facebook's made that are now a bit under the radar, yet important to consider. read more…

Do you need a lawyer? If so, your first inclination may be to do a Google search or to tell SIRI what you need. Others will rely less on mobile devices; instead, they will ask people in their social network. This inquiry might occur online or through face-to-face interactions, text messaging, or telephone chats. We know people will more likely consult an attorney if they know someone who used them before or who knows them on a personal level. This is because some lawyers provide advice that greatly affects a client's future, especially in the areas of family law, personal injury, and criminal defense. read more…

Inbound Marketing: It’s Not About Going Viral Or Posting At Magic Times
A presence on social media is indispensable for inbound marketing. People check Facebook all the time to see what their friends are saying. They even have Facebook installed on their phones so they’re constantly receiving updates. A lot of recommendations are made through social media and this means there are a lot of potential customers out there. read more…