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3 Best Practices For Inbound Real Estate Marketing

3 Best Practices For Inbound Real Estate Marketing

Inbound marketing is a perfect match for marketing virtually any business, but some real estate professionals are slow to come around to the idea of applying the inbound marketing methodology to their business. They continue to rely on outbound tools and techniques like radio and print advertising to get prospective clients' attention, and deliver their message. The problem with this approach is they waste marketing resources delivering their message to a lot of people who are not in the real estate market, either as buyers or sellers. read more…

More Proof Video Is Vital For Sales And Marketing

More Proof Video Is Vital For Sales And Marketing

Over the past year or so, we have written a number of posts regarding the importance of including video in your digital marketing strategy. Vidyard recently published its 2017 Video in Business Benchmark Report. Their report makes it clear that video is an essential tool for you to have in your digital marketing tool box. Whether your focus is on social media marketing, inbound marketing or email marketing, there's a place for video in your strategy. read more…

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