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3D Printing, 3D Printing Tools

Adobe PhotoShop, 3D PrintingThis is a Guest Post written by John Lewis, a consultant and blogger at Inprint.

With all the hype surrounding 3D printing tools, Adobe Systems Inc has incorporated important updates that include support for 3D printing. The computer software company (who brought the multimedia and creativity software Adobe Creative Suite), particularly the Photoshop CC, integrates this capability in order to simplify the process of 3D printing. What can you expect from this update? Here are some: (more…)

Windows XP: What Happens After The End Of Support?

Windows XP, Microsoft, OS, Operating System, PCAccording to PC World, despite the announcement by Microsoft that it will no longer support Windows XP after April 8, 2014, the operating system remains popular with about 28 percent of PCs worldwide using it as of March. Much of Windows XP’s popularity is due to the poor response of Microsoft’s more recent operating systems, Windows Vista and Windows 8. Combined, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 constitute 11 percent of the PC market which is less than half of the venerable Windows XP market. (more…)

GlassUp: Competition for Google Glass

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GlassUp (shown here) has a very similar design to Google Glass

Earlier this summer on The Fried Side, I wrote an article discussing Google Glass and the many amazing features it has. In addition to explaining how glass works and what they look like, I discussed how incredibly expensive they are. At $1500 a pop, they are out of many people's price range. (more…)

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The Friedman Group, LLC
Adobe PhotoShop, 3D Printing
Windows XP, Microsoft, OS, Operating System, PC
cortana, windows phone 8.1, microsoft
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