by Brad Friedman | Social Media
The ease of using Facebook and its ability to communicate text, photos, and videos to a potential audience of millions has made it popular with businesses like yours who want to communicate with their customers, prospects and brand advocates. Many of the followers who you've attracted to your page eventually become regular customers. You consider the social media site a useful part of your marketing arsenal. However, Facebook also has several powerful features that can be used to expand your reach. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Social media marketing is on a creative high this year with many companies realizing the potential of what they can do to capture public attention. You're starting to see well-worn corporate names finding some new creative inspiration with clever social media marketing campaigns this year. A few of those names might surprise you with their approaches considering their brands were previously a little more buttoned down. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media |

IMAGE: Facebook
They're heeere! Well, not quite yet. But as you probably heard, Facebook is officially testing buttons that go beyond the traditional “Like” option. And, it's NOT a “Dislike” button at all. After years of users clamoring for more distinct ways to express themselves, Facebook is finally relenting with its new Reactions tool, currently being tested in both Ireland and Spain.
The new Reaction feature introduces six cartoon emoji: love, haha, yay, wow, sad, and angry. It's only a matter of time before the feature rolls out to audiences worldwide, so let's get a jump start on how Facebook's Reactions will change your social media marketing strategy! (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Inbound Marketing, Social Media
Fall is here, and with it, a cornucopia of opportunities for new marketing plans. Summer is over. Back-to-school season has passed. Now, people are free to concentrate on the holidays and that means that you have plenty of chances to drive traffic to your brick and mortar location and / or your website and social media properties. If you're looking for the opportunity to scare up a few more sales through inbound and social media marketing this Halloween, look no further. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
This week’s Guest Post is written by Cassie Phillips. Cassie likes being on the inside, learning about what is happening next in the technology and online security world.
The Friedman Group knows social media, and it is an honor to be able to share information with their readers about some of the dangers of social media and how to mitigate those dangers. Their website is composed of true professionals giving the best information on the subject, regardless of the scale of your endeavors. For example, this article about the B2B side of the social media marketing equation is a fresh look for businesses. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
When to post on Twitter once you have marketing content ready has no real definitive science since it all depends on what you're selling and who you're selling to. One thing we can say about Twitter, though, is it's a major metropolis from what it was just five years ago. You can reach more people there instantly (including notable people) than arguably Facebook or any other social media platform. (more…)