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Digital Marketing And Banking: Stand Out And Link With Customers

Digital Marketing And BankingDigital marketing and banking may seem like a natural combination in today's inbound and social media marketing world, yet it doesn't always happen. You still see many banks preferring to market on television, or through snail mail. While it's a given you'll see national corporate banks advertise on TV and in print, independent banks can't always afford those large markets. You're maybe in that situation now with your own bank where you realize digital marketing is the best path. Nevertheless, you may not fully understand how to approach prospective customers through inbound marketing or social media. (more…)

Use Inbound And Social Media Marketing To Showcase Your B2B Employees

Using Social Media Marketing to Showcase the Expertise of All Your B2B EmployeesThere isn't any question that it takes a village to run a business, especially in the Business-to-Business (B2B) world. Your inbound and social media marketing should always showcase your company. But, we're finding that decision makers in the businesses we want to do business with are looking to receive a more personalized message. B2B decision makers want to see a human face behind the company they buy from rather than just a website, whitepapers, or an e-book giving product stats.

Labor Day Inbound and Social Media Marketing: Making the Holiday More Personal for Consumers

Inbound & Social Media Marketing for Labor DayPerhaps this is your first Labor Day as an active business and you're wondering whether to use typical Labor Day marketing tactics to promote a sales event. While it's an American tradition to hold business sales just before and on Labor Day, no doubt your competitors are doing the same thing. Have you paid attention to their approach for Labor Day marketing in past years, or even this year?

If many of them stick to standard marketing tactics and just promote themselves to bring people in for events, they're gradually becoming a bit archaic. With personalization a stronger factor in marketing between companies and consumers today, the same tactics must be used when promoting a holiday sale or event.

In the case of Labor Day, what kind of inbound and social media marketing techniques could you use to make the holiday more personal for customers? Other companies are possibly more narrow-minded when it comes to Labor Day, as in thinking it's merely a holiday for family barbecues. (more…)

B2B Social Media Marketing On Instagram: How To Create A Community For Your Buyers

Social Media Marketing on Instagram for B2B

Instagram gives you a “blank canvas” to tell your story and create a community of buyers.

With thousands of social networks available to marketers, the usual suspects: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn get mentioned first for B2B social media marketing. Instagram doesn't always get mentioned in the same breath for B2B companies. And, Instagram is not always thought of as a place where B2C companies should focus their marketing efforts. But, since Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012, it's popularity has grown exponentially. (more…)


Attorneys and Inbound Marketing Capturing the Right Clients and Proving Your ExpertiseIf you've been a practicing attorney for a number of years, you're perhaps in a position now where your competitors make you look like every other lawyer out there. You're likely doing very little marketing and continuing to rely on the goodwill of your clients and the old fashioned definition of word-of-mouth-marketing. This situations should be forcing you to look into new marketing techniques to make you stand out in refreshing ways that attract the right clients while proving your expertise. Attorneys using inbound marketing and social media marketing are growing their book of business (more…)

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The Friedman Group, LLC
Digital Marketing And Banking
Using Social Media Marketing to Showcase the Expertise of All Your B2B Employees
Inbound & Social Media Marketing for Labor Day
Social Media Marketing on Instagram for B2B
social media marketing strategy
Attorneys and Inbound Marketing Capturing the Right Clients and Proving Your Expertise
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing
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