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Two Weeks Later: Did You Survive #Mobilegeddon?

Google, Mobilegeddon, Mobile Friendly, SERP, Search ResultsIt's been two weeks. Did you survive Mobilegeddon? Google made it official on May 5th when they implemented the long-taled-ablout Mobilegeddon. Beginning on the 5th, if your blog or website isn't mobile-friendly you are going to be penalized in Google search results. Moreover, Google seems to be grouping tablets with desktops when it provides search analytics. So it’s definitely smartphones taking the lead on search. This means you must make sure your content is easy to read and digest on the small screen. (more…)

What’s Up With Google+?

Google+,Hangouts,Photos,StreamsHave you been wondering what’s been going on with Google+?

Toward the end of April word leaked that Google+ would no longer be considered a product. Instead it would be a platform – ending its so-called competition with other social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Change is in the air. And, one thing we know for sure is that Google shelved its policy of requiring Google+ integration for all Google products. Yet, Google plus has always been about making every Google user a signed-in Google user. I’m thinking this will never change. (more…)

Set SMART Marketing Goals And Thrive

SMART Goals, SMART Marketing Goals, Marketing, Social Media Marketing Business TipsSMART marketing goals are a must! So, why aren’t you setting SMART goals? Marketingprofs did some research on this and found that only 35% of B2B marketers have written SMART marketing content goals. They also found that marketers with written SMART goals are eight times more likely (60% vs. 7%) to rate themselves as being effective marketers vs. those who have no strategy, written or otherwise. (more…)

Charity Charge: A Disruptive Idea Whose Time Has Come

Stephen Garten, CEO, Charity Charge, Nonprofit, Charge Card, IBM

Stephen Garten, Charity Charge CEO

Charity Charge could become the only charge card you ever use. If you didn't know this about me, I have a soft spot in my heart for a number of nonprofits. This stems from spending about eight years as the Executive Director of a Foundation, close to 20 years as a volunteer before that, and a legacy of philanthropy starting with my grandparents and parents. I have a soft spot for charities that are tied education, human services, dogs, and a number of other causes. Like many others, I appreciate it when I find an easy, direct way to give to the charities I support. (more…)

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