by Brad Friedman | Social Media

Financial Advisors have found many ways to use Facebook while continuing to comply with regulations promulgated by the SEC and FINRA. One way for Financial Advisors to grow their prospect list and generate new clients is by running online promotions. The idea of running a Facebook promotion may not sit well at first, but it is achievable after receiving permission from your Compliance Officer. With just a quick understanding of how it works and some creativity, even the most novice social media user can create an engaging promotion. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice, Social Media

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If you’re sidestepping social media marketing because you get your business through word of mouth, there are two things you need to hear: (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
A recent search for doctors on Facebook reveals more than 1,000 pages including a mixed bag of public figures like Mehmet Oz, authors (Ben Carson), and inevitably, fictitious characters like Dr. House. Scroll down a bit and you will start to see pages for physicians with everyday types of practices. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Even though you are in the financial services industry, you might be surprised to find that LinkedIn offers a number of important benefits. If you are not actively participating in this important platform, you could be missing a large number of prospective contacts and the opportunity to open doors and make more connections. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice, Social Media
Blog: noun - a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice, Social Media
Do your 2014 marketing plans include Facebook advertising to promote your Facebook Business Page?
Are you familiar with Facebook’s algorithm called EdgeRank?
Do you know EdgeRank was implemented to limit who sees your posts? Meaning that even if you have 2500 loyal brand advocates who have Liked your page, only a tiny fraction of them may see what you post and you have no control over it. (more…)