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Looking Back, 2013 Was Good For Small Talk

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Image: http://www.esd101.net

2013 is the year social media embraced small talk to a new level. Successful ventures in 2013 featured quick viewing time, making it necessary to get to the point as soon as possible. These capabilities won widespread adoption by teenagers, whose activities tend to predict the next big thing in advertising and from there, the larger marketing world. (more…)

Why Change What Has Always Worked For Me?

Change is hard!

Why change what has always worked for me?
Photo by: mbeo

Change is hard. Change is harder for some than for others. Many professionals, particularly those who have been in business for more than a few years, debate the value of a web presence. They have grown accustomed to having business walk through the door based on word-of-mouth referrals alone. (more…)

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