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Time Management Training For Today’s Social Entrepreneurs

Time ManagementThis week's Guest Post about Time Management is written by Anita Fiander.

As an entrepreneur in today’s society, you know that social media has to play a large role in your day-to-day efforts. You also know that it can be a huge drain on your time. Let’s face it, social media sites are addictive. They were designed that way and are meant to draw you in and keep you there. The only way around this is to develop good productivity habits, and for this you may find yourself needing some dedicated time management training.


Financial Advisors: These Social Media Stats Are For You

Social Word Cloud BAFWhen I meet with Financial Advisors to discuss their online strategy and use of social media the conversation nearly always turns to the Advisor's skepticism about generating business from social media. Everyone is also concerned about compliance issues, and rightly so. But, with a solid strategy in place, you can handle compliance issues. It's those intangible concerns that get us off track.

Since this happens so often, I've done some research and put together a list of social media statistics Financial Advisors should know. (more…)

Law Firms + HootSuite = Efficient Social Management (Part 2)

justiceAs we saw in Part 1, HootSuite is a tool lawyers and law firms can use to effectively manage their online presence, stay abreast of current events in the legal arena and even prospect for clients and referral sources. Remember, for a broader look at how and why lawyers must embrace online tools like HootSuite click here. Now, let's jump right in and look at two additional ways you can use HootSuite to grow your law practice. (more…)


justiceHootSuite is a tool lawyers and law firms can use to effectively manage their online presence, stay abreast of current events in the legal arena and even prospect for clients and referral sources. For a broader look at how and why lawyers must embrace online tools like HootSuite read this. Though this post is specifically directed members of the legal community, many of the tips can be implemented by businesses of all types and sizes, so read on and look for Part 2 in a couple days. (more…)

Marketing Financial Advisor Services To Millennials

This is a guest post writtent by Brent Carnduff.

Millennials, the 80 million 13-31 year old Americans that grew up immersed in technology and who are about to become the recipients of the greatest transfer of wealth in history, are as a group, more conservative and less trusting of the financial advisor than previous generations, according to research completed earlier this year by Accenture. (more…)

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