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Social Networks And eCommerce

Social Networks And eCommerce

Over the past decade on the internet, there have been plenty of social networks taking the world by storm. They have reached an audience like no other form of communication has before. This is what makes it important to the eCommerce industry to utilize these social networks. (more…)

Social Business Enablement: My Interview With Lauren Friedman [Podcast]

Social Business Enablement: My Interview With Lauren Friedman [Podcast]

Social media’s impact on the world can’t be denied. It was created about 20 years ago, when the first recognizable social media site Six Degrees was launched, but social media now practically dictates the lives of many of us. We get our news from it, stay connected with our friends through it, meet new people on it, entertain ourselves with it and use it to make the best choices, from where to eat and watch a movie, to where to go on vacation or shop. (more…)

3 Reasons You Need To Create 2018 SMART Goals And How To Start

3 Reasons You Need To Create 2018 SMART Goals And How To Start

When it comes to SMART goals in business sometimes they can take a back seat. They don't go on the front burner because you have so much else that is urgent. Payroll is due today. You need to put out a fire with your biggest client. You have that big meeting this afternoon. Your team needs you to approve and sign off on a big project. Before you know it you have put in a 12 hour day and you are beat. You got through the day but frankly, that isn't good enough. Not to say you didn't work hard but you can be working much more efficiently with SMART goals to guide your months, weeks, and days. (more…)

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