by Katie Komnenich | Social Media

I’ve recently started to understand how hashtags work on different social media sites. It seems the more I learn, the more I realize how useful these hashtags can be. More and more non profit and charity organizations are able to start hashtags that trend online allowing them to effectively spread the word quickly about a cause they are promoting. (more…)
by Katie Komnenich | Social Media
As the marketing world progresses and the minds of creative and young people continue to change the way we market and sell products, there is a constant struggle to keep up with competitors and come out with the next great idea. Pepsi is having absolutely no trouble keeping up. Their marketing team, TWBA in Belgium, has created the next great idea: The Pepsi Like Machine. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media |
This is a Guest Post written by Rob Greenberg. Rob works at a plagiarism detection service.
“Where there's a will, there is a way”, goes the saying. You can apply these words to virtually anything and anyone, including people who want to copy your website's content and use it without giving you any credit or linking back to your blog as a source. This article describes why some of the most popular ways of fighting plagiarism fail and offers possible solutions. (more…)
by Katie Komnenich | Social Media

Photo by bayasaa via Flickr - Creative Commons
The Fourth of July is tomorrow and people are looking for a fun way to celebrate as well as ways to share their plans with friends and family on the internet. Being that it is my first summer in Denver, I myself am looking for a fun way to spend the fourth, and what better way to do that then by searching social media. Social media has become the G0-To place for people gathering information about everything. So, I figure, why not the Fourth of July? (more…)
by Katie Komnenich | Social Media
Similar to iOS app Vine, Instagram released a video feature allowing its users to create videos of 15 seconds or less. This new feature makes Instagram a direct competitor of Vine. However, Instagram now offers a few additional features that, in my opinion, make it better than Vine. Instagram allows users to apply special video features, filters, and quickly edit their videos. Users can also focus and adjust their exposure, a feature that Vine doesn't offer. The app also features “Cinema,” a tool specially designed to stabilize videos. According to the makers, the 15 second time limit was an “artistic” choice. The video feature has been described as fast, simple, and beautiful. (more…)
by Katie Komnenich | Social Media
Wednesday June 26th marks an important day in history as the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) on a 5-4 vote. This was a historic win for gay rights activists, many of whom were vocal about their opinions on Twitter.
DOMA, an act passed in 1996 officially defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn DOMA will change circumstances for married couples in the 12 states that currently allow same-sex marriages or unions. These couples will now have the same federal benefits and regulations that heterosexual couples receive. (more…)