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Use Social Media To Amplify Your Content

Use Social Media To Amplify Your Content

Have you ever spent hours working on a blog post you thought millions of readers would love? Were you disappointed when it didn't get the millions of views, Likes, positive comments and shares you were sure it was going to get? We’ve all been there: A great idea for a new blog post hits us. We strap ourselves in to write. Several hours later, we publish our finished masterpiece and wait for the rush of congratulations we’re certain will come pouring in. (more…)

The Fast Pace Of Inbound Marketing

The Fast Pace Of Inbound Marketing

There's a fast pace to inbound marketing. We read headlines with catch phrases such as “how to leverage marketing” and “signs that your marketing is failing.” We ask ourselves what we could do differently within the company to ensure we're converting more new leads into paying customers. Whether a new consumer finds your company and fills out a web form, responds to an email, joins your Facebook group, or calls, you must give them experiences that will convert them. One way to convert consumers is to post content that speaks to them at the first stage in their buyer's journey.  (more…)

How Tuned In Are We To Hyper-Relevant Social Media Marketing Content?

How Tuned In Are We To Hyper-Relevant Social Media Marketing Content?

Hyper-Relevant Social Media Marketing Content is a phrase you need to be familiar with. Think about it this way. It often amazes us how many terms did not exist ten years ago, but quickly they become so critical in our lives. Did you ever think we would live in a world driven by the Internet-of-Things? Surely, you imagined a smart home with cool devices, but it didn't seem likely every device would warrant this kind of connection. (more…)

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