Why Your Business Should Be On Pinterest
Are you wondering how your business can use Pinterest, the latest social media craze? Pinterest reached 7.2 million visitors in the U.S. in December 2011, according to Compete. Pinterest is easy to use and lets you visually share your message with prospects. Need some convincing? Check this out. (more…)
LinkedIn Rolls Out “Follow Company” Button
Yesterday, LinkedIn announced the launch of its Follow Company button. Companies may add this button to their websites, making it easier for customers, clients job seekers and prospects to begin following companies of interest, on LinkedIn. (more…)
Twitter Is For Your Business
We've had several months to tinker with the latest version of Twitter so I'd like to discuss why this latest version is important for your business to be using. I still think every business owner needs to do some due diligence before jumping into the Twittersphere, but this version of Twitter is a total redesign and offers a greatly simplified experience for brands and consumers. When Twitter launched the newest version they used the tagline “Let's Fly” and showed us the five new tabs they designed for our use, (more…)
The History of Marketing (An INFOGRAPHIC)
HubSpot has put together this great Infographic on the history of marketing. Take a look at how technology has changed the way marketers do their jobs, how consumers have responded (not always so favorably). Let us know what you think. (more…)