by Brad Friedman | Social Media

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In Part 1 we discussed how changes in technology have changed the way prospects look for professional service providers. Here, in Part 2 we will look at the strategies and social media tools prospects are using to find and hire professional service providers. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media

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I went on a hike with my son earlier this week. He'll be a junior in college next year. We were talking about his use of technology and how email used to be his primary communication tool. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media |
When picking a jury, lawyers always try to choose people they believe will find in favor of their client. Of late, some attorneys are taking juror research to a new level. Many lawyers and their jury consultants are heavily using social media sites and other Internet sites to discover the intimate details of potential jurors' lives. In light of the information people are posting about themselves on sites like Facebook, attorneys and jury consultants are able to discover political leanings, income level, sexual orientation, family members and many other personal facts. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
Twitter has more than 200 million registered users who post more than 110 million tweets per day. If you aren't involved with Twitter you are missing an opportunity to promote your services. Whether you are a law office, CPA firm, Dentist or doctor you should be using Twitter to promote the services you offer. Remember though, promotions on Twitter takes time and effort. It's more than just tweeting about the latest breakthrough in teeth whitening. To succeed with Twitter, or any social network, you have to have a plan. It requires work to build a community and engage your followers. Here's a few tips to get you started. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Gadgets - Technology, Social Media

Photo taken with my Digital SLR
My experience has been that advances in technology have led to the accumulation of devices. It appears today's technology enables us to eliminate many of the devices we have been using and attempt to do more with less. What a novel thought! Everyone would agree paper calendars, business card holders, and the Rolodex have been digitized and replaced. There may be other things we can get rid of too. (more…)