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Google+ First Impressions

At the end of June, Google unveiled Google+ and entered into a head-to-head competition with Facebook. I have been on Google+ for less than a week and thought I share some of my first impressions. Just a quick reminder: Though I am a user of Google products (Google Apps, Android phone, etc.) In February of 2010, I wrote about how Google scares me. Frankly, that feeling of uneasiness is still around. That being said, here are some of my first impressions about Google+. (more…)

Plaintiffs, Beware Of Social Media

Image from socialmedialawstudent.com

In spite of the fact I often tell people I am a “Recovering Attorney,” I remain very interested in how the courts are ruling on social media issues. Call it intellectually stimulating. There was a case in Pennsylvania in May that caught my eye. In this case, Zimmerman v. Weiss Markets, Inc., Judge Charles H. Saylor of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, Pa. issued a ruling analyzing the world of social media. (more…)

The Future of Social Media Marketing for Professionals Part 4

Image from http://socialmediahandson.com/

In Part 1 we discussed how changes in technology have changed the way prospects look for professional service providers. In Part 2 we looked at the strategies and social media tools prospects are using to find and hire professional service providers. In Part 3, we focused on Facebook and Twitter. These are two tools you should be using to market yourself and your practice. Here in Part 4, We'll focus on LinkedIn and its ability to help you with business development. (more…)

The Future of Social Media Marketing for Professionals Part 3

Image from http://socialmediahandson.com/

In Part 1 we discussed how changes in technology have changed the way prospects look for professional service providers. In Part 2 we looked at the strategies and social media tools prospects are using to find and hire professional service providers. Here in Part 3, we'll focus on some of the tools you should be using to market yourself and your practice. Keep in mind, these tools change constantly, so you have to find ways to keep up. Once you do you'll find it was worth it. (more…)

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