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Social Media Tips for The New Year

2011 was a big year for social media. The “Big Three,” Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn got bigger. Hundreds, maybe thousands of other social networks flourished. One would be hard=pressed to make the case that social media is still just a fad. Instead, it's become clear social media is here to stay. It has fundamentally changed the way we do business and the way we document our everyday lives. One in every nine people on Earth are on Facebook and people spend over 700 billion minutes a month sharing photos and status updates. As 2011 comes to a close, I thought I'd share a few tips for you to implement in 2012. (more…)

Build Your Social Media Schedule For 2012

It's 2012 and I can't resist jumping on the “Things To Do In 2012” bandwagon. Slowly but surely, people we are meeting with are starting to understand how important is is for them to get involved with social media marketing. Those who are onboard often tell me they are overwhelmed and need help, and they know we are here to help. But, if you're one of those who want to manage your online presence all by yourself, and you're feeling overwhelmed, maybe we can help you organize your social media efforts and bring some balance back into your life. (more…)

I Know You Hear Me, But Are You Listening?

The Ear

Image: http://blankbored.wordpress.com

Perception of your brand has always had some degree of word-of-mouth that shaped it. But the power of social media is changing everything. Now, there is an entire community of conversation about your brand, your product, or your service. Now is the time to decide what you are going to do about. Will you engage with this community or sit back and wait to see what happens? (more…)

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