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Social Business Enablement: My Interview With Lauren Friedman [Podcast]

Social Business Enablement: My Interview With Lauren Friedman [Podcast]

Social media’s impact on the world can’t be denied. It was created about 20 years ago, when the first recognizable social media site Six Degrees was launched, but social media now practically dictates the lives of many of us. We get our news from it, stay connected with our friends through it, meet new people on it, entertain ourselves with it and use it to make the best choices, from where to eat and watch a movie, to where to go on vacation or shop. (more…)

Ep 006: Discover Who You Are With Online Video

Ep 006: Discover Who You Are With Online Video

Ep 006: Discover Who You Are With Online Video

by Brad Friedman

Discover Who You Are With Online Video

The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC

The classroom, as a learning environment, can teach you a lot given the right guidance from your instructor. What is key is not how much your teacher knows but how much he encourages open communication by leveling the playing field between teacher and student as well as allowing opportunities for self-discovery.

In the business world, the same open communication is the key to fostering engagement with customers. While written content is considered a staple, live video as an interactive medium of communication is emerging as the platform of choice if you are looking to move your business to a higher level. Incorporating essential classroom strategies and humanness with how you do business can prove to be very effective.

Professor Nez is not your average teacher. He has a powerful teaching-learning approach where he is not the center of ultimate knowledge but significantly the facilitator who sets the stage for experiential learning. He is a career coach, author, and Writing and Communications professor at Chapman University. He is a strong advocate of storytelling as evident is his speaking engagements nationwide and his live video presence. He works with various brands and businesses to implement effective social media strategies.

In this Episode:

  • How unique Professor Nez’s teaching approach is compared to others
  • The power of humanness, making mistakes, and how it encourages critical thinking
  • How the future of communication is shifting to live video
  • The importance of self-discovery and sharing your story
  • How Professor Nez is bringing the classroom into the live video realm while doing what he loves most
  • How humans tend to suffer from a so-called “permanent temporary” amnesia and how they can be reminded of life’s truths
  • How to incorporate humanness in this digital era
  • How to maximize the use of LinkedIn for lead generation and sales navigation

Quotes From this Episode:
“It’s the rare business or individual or whatever who’s doing live streaming and making money just from their show.” - Professor Nez
“I don’t go in there thinking I know everything about everything.” - Professor Nez
“I always make the environment very, very safe and open for clear, concise, thoughtful discussion and expression of your thoughts and opinions.” - Professor Nez
“I listen to my students.” - Professor Nez
“Real true learning takes place when it’s experiential not intellectual” - Professor Nez
“Video is the predominant form of communication of the 21st century.” - Professor Nez
“Live video is just a beautiful way to share your story.” - Professor Nez
“Once you know who you are, you save yourself a lot of misunderstanding and suffering.” - Professor Nez
“There’s two things that can never co-exist: stress and gratitude. When you’re grateful, you’re not stressed out. When you’re stressed out, you’re not grateful.” - Professor Nez
“If you’re real, you’re gonna win.” - Professor Nez


Professor Nez
Twitter: @professornez
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/professornez/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/professornez/
Ross & Nez: The Livestream Experience (Audio):
Website: https://www.professornez.com
Book by Professor Nez: An Incident of Renewed Faith

BeLive https://belive.tv

Brad Friedman




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefriedmangroup




Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/friedmansocialmedia

Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com

Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman

Be sure to sign up for the Brad Bot at TheBradBot.com To get reminders when I go live on Facebook and to receive freebies and other content from The Friedman Group, LLC.

Ep 005: Livestream To Grow Your Business

Ep 005: Livestream To Grow Your Business

Ep 005: Livestream To Grow Your Business

by Brad Friedman

Livestream To Grow Your Business

The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC

Live streaming has garnered a lot of attention of late because of its ability to attract subscribers and potential clients. Although some have been very successful in making it work for their business, not everyone can earn from it directly - and this is not a bad thing because there are other paths you can take as a business owner to help you maximize various live streaming benefits.

Certainly, you can go ahead and sell products to monetize live streaming. But like most successful live streamers, you can also opt to use live streams to build long-term relationships with clients. Re-purposing your live stream content to create an online portfolio is likewise a smart move toward solidifying your digital footprint. Whichever way you choose, when done right, there is no doubt that you can take advantage of live streaming to grow your business.

Broadcasting has always been Ross Brand’s first love. He’s been an on-air personality, show host, and reporter. In 2015, his passion was ignited once more as he watched and participated in shows on Blab. From there, the @livestreamuni Twitter account came to life, sharing news and live stream broadcasts. In just 8 days, @livestreamuni garnered 500 followers. Driven by the early adopters’ fervor for the platform, Ross opted to feature broadcasters and brands through his creation, LivestreamUniverse.com and produced high-quality content using live stream platforms.

In this Episode:

  • How Ross loves featuring live streamers, learning from them and getting to know live stream personalities
  • The 3 paths by which live streaming can be used to get direct earnings or foster relationships with customers
  • How simple selling can be done via live streams
  • How to build relationships or build your personal brand using live streaming
    How to repurpose live stream content to your blogs, YouTube channel, Twitter, or LinkedIn, through the portfolio method
  • How to deal with challenges like having no or few audience members or not knowing what to talk about in your live stream
  • The importance of developing a live streaming skill set today for its huge future potential
    How to deal with the fear of live streaming especially for first-timers
  • The basic tools to get started with live streaming using what you already have
  • Ross’ red carpet experience at Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show

Quotes From this Episode:
“It’s the rare business or individual or whatever who’s doing live streaming and making money just from their show.” - Ross Brand
“You’re going to build your brand, you’re going to get known, and then when somebody needs your service, they’re going to find you.” - Ross Brand
“It’s making an investment now in a relationship that may pay off later.” - Ross Brand
“The live engagement may be part of what you’re doing, right? But it isn’t your primary focus.” –
“Your focus is, you’re taking the content that you recorded live and you’re re-purposing it.” - Ross Brand
“Having that digital footprint will often set you apart from everybody else you’re competing with.” - Ross Brand
“You gotta talk about it from what draws people in.” - Ross Brand
“If you bring who you are to talking about your business, why wouldn’t that take off, too? And it has for people.” - Ross Brand
“All the technology is secondary to the conversation.” - Ross Brand
“If you’re good, people will enjoy what you do whatever level of technology you’re at.” - Ross Brand


Ross Brand
Twitter: @iRossBrand
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rossbrand/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/livestreamuniverse/
Ross & Nez: The Livestream Experience (Audio):
LivestreamUniverse: http://livestreamuniverse.com/ross-brand/
BeLive https://belive.tv

Brad Friedman




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefriedmangroup




Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/friedmansocialmedia

Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com

Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman

Be sure to sign up for the Brad Bot at TheBradBot.com To get reminders when I go live on Facebook and to receive freebies and other content from The Friedman Group, LLC.

Ep 004: Live Video Is A Must To Grow Your Business

Ep 004: Live Video Is A Must To Grow Your Business

Ep 004: Live Video Is A Must To Grow Your Business

by Brad Friedman

Live Video Is A Must To Grow Your Business

The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC

The popular idiomatic expression, “Strike while the iron is hot” perfectly describes the opportunity live video offers the business world. Live video is a highly-effective strategy to get your business out there and is largely recognized but still relatively unexplored because not everybody can seem to just dive into it with confidence. Fortunately, with the right set of skills, some tools, and the courage to finally do it, you can create your own live videos and build a budding community around your business.

Todd Bergin is well-recognized as a live video guru. His entrepreneurial inklings started when he was only 13. Later, he found himself in the real estate business for 3 years. For about 6 years, he also practiced law and while he was at it, he got interested in guns until he had some parts manufactured, made a business out of it, did Internet e-commerce, and put up his own website. Eventually, he found his real passion was in helping other people grow their business successfully. He quit the practice of law for good and from there, became the go-to expert for everything live video.

In this Episode:

  • How Todd found his real calling as a business person inspired by the Rich Dad, Poor Dad influence
  • How to acquire the “creating-your-own-business” mindset instead of the traditional “study-to-become-an-employee” mindset
  • How live video should be explored with its huge business potential
  • How to take advantage of the open communication and engagement live videos bring to your business
  • How to use video to get your message across, engage, and convert customers
  • How to use Facebook, YouTube, Periscope, Instagram, Wirecast, and Switchboard to reach different kinds of audiences
  • Startup equipment and software for live video including audio for different types of business needs
  • How to deal with things that could go wrong while doing a live video
  • The short-term and long-term benefits of live video
  • What to do after broadcasting your live video

Quotes From this Episode:
“I’m passionate about creating your own course, doing something outside the box.” - Todd Bergin
“You can create this value that you can set out upon the world to the people that find you and find ways to monetize it and help people out in the meantime.” - Todd Bergin
“Using live video today is where it’s at and a lot of people aren’t participating yet. But that tide is coming.” - Todd Bergin
“Video changed everything when YouTube came around in 2006.” - Todd Bergin
“We all learn from somebody else.” - Todd Bergin
“Audio is key. You can have a black screen and if you have excellent audio people are going to go ahead and listen.” - Todd Bergin
“The live shows allow people to see you in an unpolished condition and get to know you as an individual outside of your business or your business goals and that’s a good thing.” - Todd Bergin
“I think the content is much more powerful than a newspaper ad or a radio ad.” - Todd Bergin


Todd Bergin
Twitter: @ToddBergin
Facebook: Todd.LIVE
Website: https://www.todd.live/

Cliff Ravenscraft: http://podcastanswerman.com/

Wirecast: https://www.telestream.net/wirecast/overview.htm

OBS: https://obsproject.com/

Switchboard Live: https://switchboard.live/

Brad Friedman




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefriedmangroup




Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/friedmansocialmedia

Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com

Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman

Be sure to sign up for the Brad Bot at TheBradBot.com To get reminders when I go live on Facebook and to receive freebies and other content from The Friedman Group, LLC.

Ep 003: Live Video: The Fear And Gear

Ep 003: Live Video: The Fear And Gear

Ep 003: Live Video: The Fear And Gear

by Brad Friedman

Live Video Fear And Gear with Ian Anderson Gray

The Digital Slice Podcast is brought to you by The Friedman Group, LLC

The need for live video is both undeniable and inevitable and every business owner recognizes it. However, going out there and doing it yourself for your business is also a daunting task. When you are not used to the spotlight, doing live video can be frightening. Part of the reason why it can cause fear for the newbie is the lack of knowledge as to what kind of content to feature, what equipment to use, and how to go about the process competently. Consequently, arming yourself with the right knowledge, skills, and gear can make you more confident doing live video.

Ian Anderson Gray is a multi-talented individual who is an expert in anything and everything live video. He founded Seriously Social, a social media-focused business that focuses on live video and productivity tools for businesses of all sizes.

Ian works with clients worldwide as a consultant. He is an in-demand international speaker at conferences in the US, UK, Czech Republic, Ireland, Poland, and more. At Select Performers, he is also partner and co-founder, utilizing his 10 years of experience to help people, organizations, and charities achieve online visibility and impact.

In this Episode:

  • How Ian started and trained as a professional singer and went into the web development business with his father in the UK
  • How the blog he created turned the tables around and launched his social media business
  • How creating content that’s empathetic and easy to understand for your audience results in greater impact
  • Different kinds of fear in relation to live video and how to overcome them
  • How to generate content for blogs and live videos
  • The essentials to prepare for live broadcasting
  • How different types of businesses can take advantage of live video
  • The impostor syndrome, how to overcome it, and still go live
  • How to overcome your fear using a test run on Facebook, posing a challenge, or joining a group
  • Some of the differences between OBS studio and Wirecast

Quotes From this Episode

“Whenever I talk to people about content marketing, I can really speak of the power of it because it really changed my life.” - Ian Anderson Gray
“The glitches are always going to happen.” - Ian Anderson Gray
“Fear is a good thing as long as you learn how to channel that into energy in front of the camera.” - Ian Anderson Gray
“We’ve all got content to talk about” - Ian Anderson Gray
“If you think that you don’t have anything to share, you actually do. You just need to think about it.” - Ian Anderson Gray
“There might be people who know more than you but there is no one like you, and some people need to hear that message from somebody like you.” - Ian Anderson Gray
“Try and learn from what you’re doing and then repeat that.” - Ian Anderson Gray
“Live video is just another form of content.” - Ian Anderson Gray


Ian Anderson Gray
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iagdotme/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ianandersongray/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iagdotme/
Website: https://iag.me/

For testing Internet upload speed: http://www.speedtest.net/

BeLive: https://belive.tv/

Wirecast: https://www.telestream.net/wirecast/overview.htm

OBS Studio: https://obsproject.com/

Joi Caster: https://www.joicaster.co/

Joi Caster is now Switchboard https://switchboard.live/

Brad Friedman




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefriedmangroup




Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/friedmansocialmedia

Website: https://friedmansocialmedia.com

Brad Friedman on Digital Marketing,” by Brad Friedman
The Small Business Owner's Guide To Inbound Marketing,” by Brad Friedman

Be sure to sign up for the Brad Bot at TheBradBot.com To get reminders when I go live on Facebook and to receive freebies and other content from The Friedman Group, LLC.

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