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Twitter Is For Your Business

We've had several months to tinker with the latest version of Twitter so I'd like to discuss why this latest version is important for your business to be using. I still think every business owner needs to do some due diligence before jumping into the Twittersphere, but this version of Twitter is a total redesign and offers a greatly simplified experience for brands and consumers. When Twitter launched the newest version they used the tagline “Let's Fly” and showed us the five new tabs they designed for our use, (more…)

Corporate Blogging On The Decline

About ten days ago I wrote a post about corporate blogging.  My premise was that the corporate blog was a bit of a different beast than the individual blog. The corporate blog requires some thought and planning.  As a follow-up, I'd like to share this post with you. The premise of this post is that corporate blogging is on the decline. If that is so, it's too bad and likely the result of a lack of planning on the part of the corporations who have stopped blogging. I continue to maintain corporate bloging in important for corporations to connect with their customers.

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