by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice, Social Media
Now that you've filed your tax returns it's time to get back to generating revenue so you have even more taxes to pay next year! One of the best ways to do this is by plugging into the power of LinkedIn. Much of our time is spent polishing images on LinkedIn, building search engine optimized profiles and training our clients to use this powerful business tool. We stumbled onto this infographic and thought it was a great way to help explain to you how LinkedIn works and how many people are using it. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media

On April third Android users were able to download the crazy-popular app Instagram. Up to that point the app was iPhone only. The following Monday, now that Instagram was available to iPhone and Android users, Facebook acquired it for $1 billion. Since Monday, the chatter about this deal has been non-stop. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice, Social Media
Though face-to-face networking remains crucial to the success of your business, taking advantage on online tools can be a great supplement to all your other efforts to find prospects. Personally, I'm not always comfortable at networking events. Trolling for customers online is very comfortable and often leads to the identification of a prospect followed by a live meeting for coffee. Using Twitter to identify prospect, see how they behave online, and then engage with them, can be an incredibly efficient use of your networking time. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice, Social Media |
I've been reflecting on the history of marketing and my continuing struggle with the phrase Return On Investment (ROI) as it pertains to marketing. The world of marketing has changed. Over the past several years social media has changed the way every business is thinking about marketing. Social media hasn't just affected marketing. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice, Social Media
Still wondering why your business should be taking advantage of Pinterest? Maybe the infographic below will help. See who is using Pinterest and how they are using it. Tell us if your business is using Pinterest and how you're using it. Or, tell us why your business is not using Pinterest. (more…)