by Brad Friedman | Social Media

Many thanks to Laura-Lee Walker for this Guest Post
Influencers reside in every knick and cranny on the web. They share stories about brands. The more influential they are, the more impact their stories have on the success of a business. Active web users create about 500 million impressions or data points on products and services per year, yet 80 percent of these user impressions were made by a mere 6 percent of users on social media.
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
This is a Guest Post written by Viveka vonRosen
In case you haven't noticed by my overly long title – I'm a huge fan of LinkedIn's New Contacts feature. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media

Google+ ripple Brenda Batttin
This is a Guest Post written by Allison Rice, Marketing Director for Amsterdam Printing and Google+ Power User. Allison regularly contributes to the Promo & Marketing Wall blog, where she provides actionable business tips.
Why does your company use social media? It's so you can be found more easily by the casual searcher looking for your type of services, right? Sure, there are the added benefits of keeping your customer base up to date on specials, bringing them in with web-only coupons and reaching their friends through shared links and posts. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
This is a Guest Post written by Christian Hollingsworth
Content is definitely the most important part of your online marketing campaign.
However, if you want to make the best use of painstakingly created content, you need to make use of social media.
While content is king, pairing it with social media gives it the potential of becoming the undisputed monarch of the web world.
by Brad Friedman | Social Media

Last Tuesday Hacktivists supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad allegedly hacked Twitter accounts belonging to NPR and CBS. Once in, they tweeted that bombs had exploded at the White House and President Obama was injured. (more…)