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Inbound Marketing Leads: How The Right Tracking Mechanism Can Determine The Quality

Inbound Marketing Leads: How The Right Tracking Mechanism Can Determine The Quality

Inbound marketing is all about inbound marketing leads. Right? But, how do you know whether the new leads entering your CRM actually have a good chance of becoming customers? Given the growing popularity of inbound marketing, this question becomes increasingly important. More and more of the brands competing with you for your audience's attention will utilize some form of inbound marketing lead generation. The only way to set yourself apart is to generate better quality leads. (more…)

Lead Scoring Can Boost Your Inbound Marketing Campaigns

Lead Scoring Can Boost Your Inbound Marketing Campaigns

One of the top challenges for inbound marketers is generating quality leads. Not just leads, but leads who are sufficiently knowledgeable about a company and its products that sales representatives can convert them into buying customers. The problem, as noted by Hubspot, is that marketers and salespeople don’t agree on what constitutes a “quality lead”—for example, more than 40% of salespeople report that it’s becoming more difficult to sell to the leads they receive from the marketing team: (more…)

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The Friedman Group, LLC
Inbound Marketing Leads: How The Right Tracking Mechanism Can Determine The Quality
Lead Scoring Can Boost Your Inbound Marketing Campaigns
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