by Brad Friedman | Gadgets - Technology |

It’s been about two and half years since Apple introduced Siri, its pleasant if somewhat neutral voice-activated digital assistant that answers questions posed to iPhones 4S and beyond, as well as iOS7 devices including iPad and iPod Touch products. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | General Business Advice, Social Media

Photo by Brad Friedman
I recently received a copy of Brian E. Boyd Sr.'s Social Media for the Executive: Maximize Your Brand and Monetize Your Business, with a note telling me to enjoy reading the book and suggesting that if I were so inclined, maybe I would write something about it. Seemed like a pretty risky approach to get some publicity, so I thought I'd take him up on his offer and write this review. I don't know Brian or anything more about him than what I read in the book and the letter that came with the book when it was sent to me. From all appearances, we're competitors and I read the book with the critical eye of a competitor. (more…)