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Social Media Marketing: Creating Your Social Media Policy

Social Media Marketing: Creating Your Social Media Policy

How To Manage Your Social Media Policy

It takes multiple people to design and implement a great social media marketing strategy. But different people can have vastly different ideas about how to approach social media marketing, including what kind of tone to cultivate on a social media page, how often content should be posted, and even what type of content is appropriate to post. This is why it’s essential to design a social media policy for any social media marketing strategy. Failing to do so can lead to unfocused, ineffective, and potentially even inappropriate content on your social media pages. (more…)

6 Killer Strategies For Using Periscope For Your Social Media Marketing

6 Killer Strategies For Using Periscope For Your Social Media Marketing

Periscope has grown tremendously since its inception in March 2015 and has proven to be one of the most effective social media tools online.  This live-stream video platform presents huge opportunities for marketers and brands to deeply connect with their audience, share valuable content, and increase exposure, all using their mobile device.  Popular brands like Red Bull and Adidas have successfully implemented this strategy into their social media marketing plan, and it’s time for you to take notice and follow suit. (more…)

Social Media: A Formula For Success?

Source: Luma Partners, Terry Kawaja

Source: Luma Partners, Terry Kawaja

Some think there is a formula for social media success. They assume if they mimic the activity of a major brand, success is just moments away. Like with many other things, people seek the simple answer that will provide the huge boost they are looking for. (more…)

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