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Video Scams Spreading on Facebook

Another couple of Facebook scams are spreading quickly today. These scams are similar to ones we have seen in the past, Facebook users are still falling for them and giving up personal information to the scammers.

Here's how the scams work: Facebook users will see an eye-catching link in another user's status updates. When the user attempts to follow the link, the user will be asked to complete several surveys, which do nothing but require you to give up personal information. (more…)

Social Media, Engagement, and Success

This guest post is written by Evan Hackel, President and Founder of Ingage Consulting. Throughout his twenty-five year career, he has seen the need not only for improved engagement but for an understanding of why engagement plays such an important role in any organization.  Evan’s company works closely with the managers and leaders of franchises, co-ops, and buying groups, to help them improve their business practices. Evan can be reached directly at ehackel@ingageconsulting.com. (more…)

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