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The Future of Social Media Marketing for Professionals Part 4

Image from http://socialmediahandson.com/

In Part 1 we discussed how changes in technology have changed the way prospects look for professional service providers. In Part 2 we looked at the strategies and social media tools prospects are using to find and hire professional service providers. In Part 3, we focused on Facebook and Twitter. These are two tools you should be using to market yourself and your practice. Here in Part 4, We'll focus on LinkedIn and its ability to help you with business development. (more…)

The Future of Social Media Marketing for Professionals Part 3

Image from http://socialmediahandson.com/

In Part 1 we discussed how changes in technology have changed the way prospects look for professional service providers. In Part 2 we looked at the strategies and social media tools prospects are using to find and hire professional service providers. Here in Part 3, we'll focus on some of the tools you should be using to market yourself and your practice. Keep in mind, these tools change constantly, so you have to find ways to keep up. Once you do you'll find it was worth it. (more…)

Lawyers Use Google To Help Pick Jurors

When picking a jury, lawyers always try to choose people they believe will find in favor of their client. Of late, some attorneys are taking juror research to a new level. Many lawyers and their jury consultants are heavily using social media sites and other Internet sites to discover the intimate details of potential jurors' lives. In light of the information people are posting about themselves on sites like Facebook, attorneys and jury consultants are able to discover political leanings, income level, sexual orientation, family members and many other personal facts. (more…)

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