Facebook Marketing For Lawyers
Facebook has been making radical changes to its platform recently, yet still remains an effective marketing tool for many types of businesses, including attorneys and law firms. Let’s take a look at Facebook marketing for lawyers… read more…

LinkedIn For Lawyers
People often have a misconception that LinkedIn is only for job searching. Although it's true that LinkedIn is a social media platform for professionals, the fact is, it can be used for many things, from finding a job and finding employees to spreading the word about your business, growing your networking and obtaining new clients. As a lawyer, you can use LinkedIn to achieve more of your business goals, no matter what they might be. read more…

The Art Of The Sales Call
I have a confession to make. I am one of those small business owners who spend more time working IN the business than ON the business. I've been in business for 9 years and think this has pretty much always been the case. This is okay when we're really busy with client work and emails are coming in daily from prospects. But that isn't always the case, and when things are slow, it's too late to be working ON the business because results don't happen overnight. read more…

Grow Your Business With Facebook Messenger Marketing And Facebook Ads
How can Facebook Messenger Marketing help you grow your business? If you want to cut to the chase, listen to The Digital Slice Podcast right now. Or listen to it while you read on. read more…