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How To Engage Your Audience With Video Marketing

How To Engage Your Audience With Video Marketing

In the past five years alone, the concept of what makes a good promotional video has changed wildly. Once, television commercials were the only form of company video other than training media but the world of YouTube and social media has made company videos much less promotional. The new trend is not to convince your audience or announce something to them, but to attempt to chat with them, like a friend. How-to videos and industry behind-the-scenes are increasingly popular. (more…)

Inbound Marketing And The 10,000 Hour Rule

Inbound Marketing And The 10,000 Hour Rule

As a small business owner, you've heard of the benefits of inbound marketing. With outbound, the marketing flow is from companies to consumers. But with inbound marketing, the flow is from consumers to companies. So the flow is inbound instead of outbound. Instead of your marketing being an interruption, it's a welcome relief to a prospect in need. (more…)

Inbound Marketing Tactics For Father’s Day

Inbound Marketing Tactics For Father’s Day

Father's Day is just around the corner. In 2017, you saw a lot of different types of advertising for Father's Day. From the music of Motown to massages. It seemed like fathers were in need of everything you could possibly give to them as a gift. It really doesn't matter whether you're selling goods or services that immediately appeal to a male clientele. Now's the time to be implementing and inbound marketing strategy for Father's Day. (more…)

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