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5 Quick Tips to Gaining More Quality LinkedIn Endorsements


This is a guest post by Jacob Curtis, a Community manager at Bonfire Marketing who is associated with SteamFeed.

LinkedIn endorsements have been received with mixed reviews since their introduction to the platform in September 2012. What originally started as a way for others to vouch for your listed skills without having to write a lengthy recommendation, has since turned into a popularity contest where just about anyone can endorse you for a skill regardless of their understanding of your actual experience. (more…)

Google+ Done Right

Google+, Social Media, Social Media MarketingAs someone who just recently started using Google+, I’ve had to toy around with it a little bit to realize what makes it so much bigger and better than the other social media sites out there. At first it seems much too close to Facebook, just as I’ve become more familiar with it I’ve grown to really enjoy using the site. (more…)

The New Gmail Inbox

Screen shot 2013-08-08 at 10.08.34 AMThis past May, Google announced the new layout of Gmail. Considering the fact that Google has 425 million active users, I’d be willing to bet that this change has effected some of you! In this new layout, email messages are automatically filtered into five different categories. (more…)

Samsung Introduces The Galaxy Mega

Screen shot 2013-08-21 at 7.48.38 AMSamsung's latest product, The Galaxy Mega, is undoubtedly the biggest smart phone on the market today. With the screen measuring 6.3 inches diagonally, the Mega looks more like a tablet than it does a phone. The phone will hit AT&T stores on Friday and will sell for $150 with a two year service contract. The Galaxy Mega is also coming to Sprint and U.S. Cellular. Samsung is describing this giant smart phone as a hybrid that combines the portability of a smart phone with the immersive experience that a tablet can offer. Not only can you make phone calls with it but you can also use it to search the Internet, read books, and play music and games. (more…)

LinkedIn Unveils University Pages and Invites Teens to Join by @MikeONeilRocks

This Guest Post is written by The LinkedIn Rock Star himself, Mike O'Neil

It starts with about 200 schools and my alma mater, Arizona State University, is one of them. The school already has over 180,000 “followers” on the company page and that includes me.

The opportunity for Universities, who already have company pages, to have an academic presence on LinkedIn is a huge benefit, not only for the university, but for LinkedIn to continue the uptick in attraction to faculty and students… (more…)

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