by Brad Friedman | Inbound Marketing
We live in a world where your prospects are bombarded with information and multiple distractions. Business owners are in search of tactics to steer them away from all of that and get their attention on your product or service? Marketing to this highly technological and openly social generation is currently quite challenging. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Digital Marketing
In the world of financial services it is a common misconception when people talk about digital marketing strategies to assume the audience is always your average consumer. The language used and the concepts suggested are usually attuned to draw in everyday people who might be interested in your products or services. However, for many businesses, this approach simply isn't sufficient. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Digital Marketing
When it comes to banking and finance, people tend to do business with established names. Trust, credibility and dependability are important because money is one of the things people value the most in life, along with health and family. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Digital Marketing
This year, Mother's Day is celebrated on Sunday, May 13. The fact that it's a Sunday makes it easier for the entire family to come together and celebrate. But before the celebrations begin, you need to make sure you have a present picked out for your mother and it's one she will appreciate. (more…)
by Brad Friedman | Social Media
WARNING! This is not a post about the Facebook privacy issues currently in the news. Maybe I'll weigh in someday in the future, if I calm down. This post is about recent changes Facebook's made that are now a bit under the radar, yet important to consider. (more…)